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Summer Hearing Aid Protection

Summertime brings back nostalgic, carefree memories of lounging by the pool, hanging out with friends, chasing ice cream trucks and sleeping in, but it’s important to remember that summer activities can be taxing on your hearing aids and assistive hearing devices. Here are a few care tips for total summer hearing aid protection. 

  1. Keep your Hearing Aids Out of Direct Sunlight

Hearing aids are expensive and your hearing aid’s plastic coating and battery can melt if it gets hot enough. When taking off your hearing aids to play in the water or sun, keep them in a temperature-controlled room to ensure the sun doesn’t turn your highly specialized hearing device into a melted mess. And no, your car’s glove compartment doesn’t count.

2. Dry Hearing Aids are Happy Hearing Aids

During the summer months, something you have to watch out for is the accumulation of moisture in your hearing aids. This can be caused by a variety of things, but is most often due to humidity in the air, sweat and water from the pool or beach. Water damage affects sound quality and can potentially reduce battery life so always take your hearing devices off and store them somewhere cool and dry before playing in water – preferably a dehumidifier. Open the hearing aid’s battery door when you’re not wearing them so accumulated moisture can escape.

3. Apply Sunscreen and Insect Repellent Before Hearing Aids

Remember when we suggested taking out your hearing aids before getting into or playing near water? Same goes for sunscreen and insect repellent – apply and let dry before reinserting your hearing aids as sprays and oils may damage the devices.

4. Help! My Hearing Aid is Wet – What Now?

Number two tried to warn you. If your hearing aid gets wet, turn it off and remove the battery. Gently towel dry or place in your hearing aid dehumidifier. Give your hearing aid a couple of hours in the dehumidifier even if it seems to be working. If your hearing aids get wet, consult an audiologist at Brooklyn Audiologist for next steps.

Be proactive about your summer hearing aid protection. Schedule your hearing evaluation today at one of our Professional Hearing Services locations in Minot and North Dakota.